Scholarship Application 2024-2025


The Atholton Athletic & Activities Boosters awards up to four $1000 scholarships to recognize seniors who have contributed significantly to Atholton Athletics & Activities through participation in one or more varsity sports or activities.


An applicant must:

  1. Be a senior attending Atholton High School.
  2. Have a cumulative, un-weighted grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above.
  3. Have participated in one or more varsity sports or activities at Atholton High School.
  4. At least one person per family must be a Boosters member (must join by March 31, 2025)
  5. Maintain appropriate behavioral decorum.
  6. By 11:59 PM on Friday, April 11, 2025, complete and submit this application in full.
  7. A copy of your high school transcript and grades through senior mid-terms should be uploaded below. Guidance counselor signatures are not required.
  8. Please ask an adult reference to submit their letter HERE or they may email a recommendation letter to Nicole McCormack with your name and “Booster scholarship recommendation” in the subject. Letters must be received by 11:59 PM on Friday, April 11, 2025

*** Late applications will not be accepted or considered. ***

*** Incomplete applications and those that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be accepted or considered. ***


Selection Process

The Selection Committee:

  1. Will award up to four scholarships of $1000 each.
  2. Reserves the right to remove from consideration or withdraw awards from students who do not maintain appropriate behavioral decorum during school or at school-sponsored events.
  3. Decisions will be made by Friday, April 25, 2025, and announced in May at the Senior Awards Ceremony.
  4. The decisions of the Athletics & Activities Boosters Scholarship Selection Committee are final and are not open to appeal.

Scholarship Use

  1. Scholarships may be used for tuition, fees, room and board, or books at a four-year college, a two-year college, or a trade/technical school.
  2. Scholarship recipients must provide a copy of the acceptance letter from the institution they plan to attend. Once a scholarship recipient’s acceptance letter is provided, a check will be made out to the student.

Please direct any questions to Nicole McCormack


Please have your guidance counselor provide the following information:


UPLOAD: High school transcript and grades through Senior mid-terms

UPLOAD: High school transcript and grades through Senior mid-terms

We have reviewed the “Eligibility,” “Selection Process,” and “Scholarship Use” sections of the application and agree to abide by the specified terms. In addition, we hereby affirm that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Our electronic signatures below are evidence of this agreement and affirmation.

Your essay should be approximately 1,000 words. Please carefully proofread your essay. The Selection Commitee will consider the quality of the essay and whether it answers the topic question. Please answer the following question:
How has high school athletics/activities involvement at Atholton High School impacted my life and what does it mean to WIN?

Please provide a letter of reference from one (1) adult who has been your teacher, coach, or school-based mentor who is familiar with your participation in a varsity sport/activity at Atholton High School. The following information must be included in the letter: Your name, reference's name, position/title, and contact information; how the reference knows you; and how long the reference has known you. The body of the letter should address why the reference thinks you are a good candidate for an AHS Athletics & Activities Boosters Scholarship.

Please ask the reference to submit their recommendation letter HERE by 11:59 PM on Friday 4/12/24.

Recommendation letters may also be emailed to Nicole McCormack with your name and “Booster scholarship recommendation” in the subject.

Please submit a resume that is no more than two (2) typed pages. Your resume must include school and community
activities including volunteer service, work experience, and honors and awards

If available, please submit a copy of your acceptance letter to the four-year college, two-year college, or technical/trade school you will attend. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient, a copy of the acceptance letter must be provided before the scholarship check can be given to you.