Summer Camps 2025

All camp times and locations are subject to change. Notification of a change will be communicated as soon as possible.


Eligible campers are incoming 5th graders through 9th grade unless otherwise indicated.

 Camp Dates 

BOYS BASKETBALL: 6/16-6/20 5-8:15pm MAIN GYM (no camp 6/19)

 BASEBALL: 6/23-6/27 9am-12pm BASEBALL FIELD

CHEER: 6/23-6/27 8-11am, AUX GYM

 POMS: 6/23-6/27 9am-12pm (6/27 ends @ 12:30pm) DANCE STUDIO

VOLLEYBALL Session 1: 6/23-6/27 11am-2pm MAIN & AUX GYM

TENNIS: 7/14-7/18 8:30-11:30am TENNIS COURTS

CHEER: 7/14-7/17 9-11am, AUX GYM

FIELD HOCKEY: 7/28-8/1 9am-12pm TURF FIELD

 FOOTBALL: 7/28-8/1 9am-12pm TURF FIELD


GIRLS SOCCER: 8/4-8/8 9am-12pm TURF FIELD  

VOLLEYBALL Session 2: 8/4-8/8 11am-2pm MAIN & AUX GYM

(TBD: Boys Soccer, Girls Lax and Boys Lax)


 The following links are provided for your information.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Concussion Awareness


There is a waiver at the bottom of this registration page for your review before registering your child for camp. 


Cancellation Policy: All cancellation requests submitted before June 1 are subject to a $15 administrative fee. Any requests made after June 1 will incur a 20% administrative fee. 

Disclaimer: Participating in off-season activities at Atholton HS is optional and does not guarantee a student-athlete a roster spot on any school athletic team.

Please contact Coach Rob Moy with any questions. Thank you!

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Summer Camp Baseball
6/23-6/27 9a-12p Coach Scott Peddicord Baseball Field Atholton HS more
 Summer Camp Boys Basketball
6/16-6/20, 5p-8:15p Coach Jared Albert Atholton HS Main gym more
 Summer Camp Cheerleading
Jun 23-27, 8a-11a Coach Sydney Butler Aux Gym more
 Summer Camp Cheerleading
July 14-18, 9a-12p Coach Sydney Butler Aux Gym more
 Summer Camp Football
July 28-Aug 1, 9a-12p Coach Eric Woodson Atholton HS more
 Summer Camp Field Hockey
July 28-Aug 1, 9a-12p Coach Mollie Belson Atholton HS more
 Summer Camp Girls Basketball
7/28-8/1, 9-1pm Coach Steve Anderson Atholton HS Main Gym more
 Summer Camp Girls Soccer
Aug 4-8, 9a-12p Coach Robert Thompson Atholton HS Bermuda Grass Field more
 Poms Summer Camp
June 23-27, 9a-12p (12:30p 6/27) Coach Caitlyn Brosnan, Dance Studio more
 Summer Camp Boys and Girls Tennis
July 14-18, 9a-12p Coach Wendy Heger Atholton HS Tennis Courts more
 Summer Camp Volleyball Session I
6/23-6/27 11a-2p Coach Glen Davis Atholton HS Main Gym more
 Summer Camp Volleyball Session II
8/4-8/8, 11a-2p Coach Glen Davis Atholton HS Main Gym more




I and/or my child understand:

  1. By registering for this program, I verify that I/my child’s immunizations are up to date.
  2. That there are inherent dangers in any recreational activity, program, or camp.
  3. That I and my child must be aware of the hazards associated with each activity, such as the use of equipment, slips and falls, personal level of fitness, training, and various athletic injuries. If I had any questions on what is required, I and/or my child will have contacted the camp/program contact ahead of enrollment.
  4. The rules and regulations for each activity, as explained in any written materials and/or explained by staff, must be followed. Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations may result in me/my child being suspended from a program with no refund given, and notification is made regarding disciplinary or conduct problems.
  5. The possible consequences of participating in these activities include the possibility of serious injury.
  6. In EMERGENCIES requiring immediate medical attention, my child will be taken to the NEAREST HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM.

Payment for enrollment in this program authorizes the responsible person for the program to have me/my child transported to that hospital.

I and/or my child agree:

  1. I and/or my child will obey the rules and regulations for each activity and follow the directions of the staff.
  2. I and/or my child will inform a staff member of any observed dangerous or potentially hazardous situation.
  3. If I and/or my child do not understand how an activity is performed or how a piece of equipment is to be used, they will ask a staff member before beginning that activity.
  4. I and/or my child will inform a staff member if they have any problems meeting the physical requirements necessary for participation in any activities.

I and my child are aware that while participating in a recreational activity or program arranged by the Atholton Boosters, HCPSS, and other Staff, certain risks and dangers may be present, including but not limited to those generally associated with certain activities, the hazards of traveling the public highways, of accidents, of illness, and of those forces of nature. I, my heirs, and all personal representatives agree to indemnify and defend Atholton High School, Howard County Public Schools, Atholton Boosters, Inc., and its directors, officers, and volunteers harmless from and against any claims, suits, damages, liabilities and expenses, including attorney's fees and the County’s costs of defense, in connection with loss of life, personal or bodily injury and/or damage to or loss of property that arises from the participation of the enrolled participant in the enrolled program.


Instead of any physical signature, making payment for any/all programs:

  1. Serves as my consent to my child’s participation in the physical activities expected.
  2. Acknowledges that I have carefully read this document and fully understand it is a release of liability.
  3. Acknowledge that I have carefully read the Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest documentation provided on the Atholton Boosters website.
  4. Acknowledges that I and my child will follow all applicable Howard County, required HCPSS, and local guidance related to COVID and that I/my child will not attend camp if exhibiting symptoms of being sick with COVID or any other illness.
  5. Grants permission to Atholton Boosters to use my photograph on the school’s website, the Boosters' website, or in other HCPSS printed publications.